Monthly Archives: June 2011

Whistleblower Outs NASA for Hiding Data of Global Cooling

As Earth enters deepest solar minimum in centuries NASA caught hiding sunspot data to prop up dying global warming cult. Inconvenient new ice age imminent.

A solar scientist insider who wishes to remain anonymous gives us the scoop that government officials are falsifying solar data to suit a political agenda. Below is his damning indictment of how deeply entrenched and desperate is the climate fraud. We see how observational data is being deliberately faked to hide the decline in sunspot activity; an event which independent scientists say could trigger a new ice age if it is prolonged.

The source, who fears losing his position if identified reveals, “The fact is for years we have been watching the magnetic fields wane both here on Earth and on the Sun.”

But NASA has conspired with advocates of the man-made global warming cult to ‘hide the decline’ which would make a mockery of their trumped claims mankind has created a new and warmer Anthropocene Climatic period.

Continued Rate of Cooling to Cause New Ice Age

Our nameless expert explains that since the 1990’s and into the 21st century magnetic fields have dropped by about 50 gauss per year. No one denies that in itself, this is not a remarkable drop if it were to be soon reversed. However, if such a trend continues for a decade or more then the fears of solar scientists that we are entering a new Ice Age will be realized with potentially devastating consequences for life of Earth.

The unidentified insider explains that one of the doomsayers guilty of propping up the false global warming story and who has now been forced into an embarrassing recant is NASA’s solar physicist, David Hathaway. Hathaway had claimed that Solar Cycle 24 would be strong but it wasn’t. But like many scientists wedded to the doomsaying cult it was not until recently that Hathaway felt forced to drop the bar and suggest that Solar Cycle 24 may be weak and not the 50 percent stronger he had suggested in 2006.

Now Hathaway drops the bar further admitting that Solar Cycle 25 will be even weaker. So what does prolonged weak sunspot activity mean? Well, look no further than the last long period of low sunspot activity when the Earth suffered the misery of the Maunder Minimum and Little Ice Age and devastating episodes of famine and bad harvests swept Europe. The climate became so cold that winter Frost Fairs were held on the thick ice that formed over the River Thames in London, England.

With no rises in global temperatures since 1998 and global cooling this century, the wider scientific community is discovering that a clique of self-serving climatologists have deliberately misinterpreted data from the Sun’s Great Conveyor Belt.

Weakest Solar Cycle in Centuries

Government funded researchers were first caught out by the double peaked nature of Solar Cycle 23. They did not consider the double minimum we are currently in that will take us into the weakest Solar Cycle in centuries putting us into potentially ice age territory.

The unnamed whistleblower says, “Within a few years time the magnetic field will be too weak to support any sunspots on the face of the Sun.”

Sunspots form only when the magnetic field is stronger than 1500 gauss.

Gravy train government researchers persisting in ignoring the facts are fast losing their credibility. These ‘scientists’ have turned a blind eye to important historical works on the Sun such as that by Pieter Zeeman who, back in the 19th century gave us "Zeeman splitting.”

Our whistleblower warns, “this brings us to how sunspots have been counted over the last few years and the counting of areas that would not have been seen much less counted in the past. It is entirely possible that these short lived micro sunspots have shown up at every Solar Minimum and they were not seen so they were not counted. But that does not mean they were not there during periods such as the Maunder Minimum.”

Sadly, revisionists within the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have succeeded for two decades in re-writing the Earth’s temperature records. They have also succeeded in obscuring the proven key role the Sun plays, as witnessed by Judithgate whereby the 2007 IPCC Report relies on the work of ONE biased solar scientist, Judith Lean who positively ‘reviewed’ her own work.

Inconvenient Sunspots Shame NASA

The IPCC’s fraud with Judithgate is now matched by what is currently taking place behind closed doors. Our anonymous friend gives us the scoop on some of NASA’s latest shenanigans:

The first example is the current fourth place record for total blank days in the period from July to September 2008, in which for 52 days just one micro sunspot appeared. Many in the science community were not at all to happy this was recorded as such because the area did not last 24 hours [a minimum requirement] and looked to many solar experts as nothing more than an aggravated pore.”

But still the doomsayer fraternity counted it.

“A second example is the current fifth place record for total blank days which is the 51-day day period from July to August 2009.”

Record-breaking Sunspotless Events Hidden

Both of these blank periods have occurred in the current solar cycle and both were only days away from taking third place in all time spotless sun days since modern records began back in1850. They were conveniently ‘stopped’ by counting areas that prior to the 21st century would have not been counted as true sunspots – a clear case of cherry-picking.

Now here is the kicker some of you amateur solar watchers may or may not know about. “In early July 2009 we had the best defined sunspot of this cycle to date (# 1024). But you probably won’t realize there was a second area that formed that month lasting less than one day and that was catalogued as # 15 on July 23rd 2009.”

The anonymous source explains the reason it was not counted was because solar experts were expecting more sunspot activity and also because of the fact this area belonged to Solar Cycle 23.

Now fast forward to August 31st 2009 and facing the fact that we were now only days from taking out the third place in all time blank periods. A micro sunspot appears and also lasts less than 24 hours. It got numbered right away but before September 1st was finished the spot was gone lasting less than 24 hours.”

Thus deliberate false accounting distorted the record books. Our faceless insider friend laments, “In the future solar scientists will look back on this period just as we now look back at the Persecution of Galileo.”

With the IPCC and NASA now discredited, the records need to be made public with all those responsible for doctoring the data brought to account; while independent and principled researchers should he heard without fear of recrimination.

For anyone interested in actual Independent Solar Research rather than the discredited hype about man-made global warming more information may be found here.



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Broken Wind Turbine Blades Create Mountainous Waste Problem

Ultra-green Denmark admits it has no idea what to do with a worrisome mountain of old and broken wind turbine blades. The composite material can’t be recycled.


In a story from Denmark’s leading business newspaper Dagbladet Børsen (June 10, 2011) experts warn, “As the wind becomes a central part of energy supply, a huge waste problem is growing with similar speed.”

Windy Scandinavia has hit this unanticipated hurdle because a key material in constructing wind turbines, carbon fiber composite, cannot be recycled and is fast filling landfills or else is being burned creating toxic emissions. The report admits, “a gigantic mountain of scrap blades is building up.”


Tom Løgstrup Andersen from Risø DTU, a senior development engineer who has spent two decades researching fiberglass composites admits, "When a turbine is operating, it produces green energy. But when it is worn, it is suddenly a problem. There exists no concrete solution to reusing blades from wind turbines.”


Poor Planning, Poor Technology Defeats Renewables Goal


Denmark has 6,000 wind turbines serving a population of 5.3 million and when the wind conditions are just right wind produces around 19 percent of its electricity. Yet despite huge financial investment no conventional power plant has yet been shut down while Danish electricity costs to consumers are the highest in Europe, according to research by energy specialist, Dr. Vic Mason.


Turbine blades routinely exceed 60 meters in length and nearly all are manufactured from thermoset plastics that cannot be recycled once their useful life has expired. The special plastic is the only material currently known that meets reliability standards due to their relatively high strength and low weight properties. 


Dr. Mason cites evidence that many small turbines have collapsed in close proximity to human dwellings [1; 2; 3], and recently two big Danish wind turbines lost blades and scattered sharp pieces of glass fiber up to 500 meters from the tower base in high winds [4.]. Similar events have also been reported in Sweden, northern England and Scotland [5.]. Blade failure can be lethal and catastrophic as shown by  video footage.


Indeed, the death toll from wind turbines in recent decades is huge when compared with nuclear accidents. In 2008 in the U.S. alone there were 41 worker fatalities and 16 non-worker deaths.


As the film shows, ironically, in high winds the turbines must be stopped because they are easily damaged. Carbon fiber has been the material of choice because of lightness and efficiency of construction. But the stress damage to fiber composites is poorly understood to begin with and wear and tear on blades can be considerable.


Also, over time a build-up of dead bugs, plus other wear and tear reduces the power generated by 20 to 30 percent. So for safety and efficiency the blades must be regularly replaced.


Europe Fears Toxic Waste Wind Turbine Mountain

Currently the global market for wind turbine blade is growing at over 10 percent growth per annum and worth around US$2 billion a year. But shortsighted thinking has lead to a situation where the greatest challenge now is to develop a profitable and safe recycling process for the unwanted carbon fiber blades.


Since 2004, most European Union (EU) member states passed laws forbidding landfill disposal of carbon fiber composites. Further, incineration of plastics is discouraged because of the potential release of toxic byproducts.


Professor Henning Albers from the Institut für Umwelt und Biotechnik, Hochschule Bremen, calculates that at current growth rates by 2034, there will be a mountain of 225,000 tonnes of unwanted rotor blade material waste EACH YEAR. That’s a lot of landfill!

Investors Bail out of Renewables Sector


The aircraft industry, a long-time user of composite plastics has, itself, had little success in solving the landfill problem. The aviation industry has tried to minimize landfill tipping by grinding down the thermoset composites into granules for use as filler materials (e.g., in asphalt). But there isn’t a commercial market for such waste.


A report by agrees, “a major cost barrier in composites recycling is that collected composite waste must be sorted — one of the more labor-intensive aspects of conventional recycling processes.”


Summing up the lack of forward planning about wind turbines physicists and environmental activist, John Droz, jr, warns, “just because a power source is an alternative, or a renewable, does NOT automatically mean that it is better than any conventional or fossil fuel source.”




[1.] B.B., 2000: “Vindmølle lækkede olie. Kollapset vindmølle ved Rærup erstattes snart af ny”. “[Wind turbine leaked oil. Collapsed turbine near Rærup will soon be replaced by a new one]”. Nørresundby Avis, 09-02-2000.


[2.] Bülow, T., 2001: “Exit Tjærborg”. Eltra magasinet, August 2001.


[3.] Ritzau, 2005: “Vindmølle mistede sine vinger”. “[Wind turbine lost its blades]”. Jyllands-Posten, 21-01-2005.


[4.] LiveLeak, 2008: “Windmill out of control” (Video of wind turbine exploding).



[5.] Krøyer, K., 2008: “Endnu en Vestas-mølle kastede vinge 100 meter væk i blæsten”. “[Yet another Vestas wind turbine throws its blade 100 metres in the wind]”. Ingeniøren, 25-02-2008


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